The History Of Radio Astronomy Radio waves were experimentally demonstrated in 1888 by Heinrich Hertz and a few unsuccessful attempts were made shortly thereafter to detect radio waves from the Sun. Early receiving equipment was of low sensitivity and the effect of the upper atmosphere on radio waves was poorly understood or even completely unsuspected. Some progress was made in the 1930s, mostly as a byproduct of communications research or through the efforts of a few dedicated hobbyists, but the real progress did not begin until World War ll brought the use of radar and military communications systems. During the war several things combined to open the way for radio astronomy. A great deal of basic research was being performed by the scientists working on wartime radar installations. lt was at this time that it was discovered that sunspots could interfere with radar operation. In England, problems were encountered with cosmic background noise and with upper atmosphere noise when systems were being developed for detecting the V2 rocket. Research in these vital areas was of course encouraged. The armed services also supported a good deal of spin-off research in such areas as the radar detection of meteorites and the reception of radar echoes from the Moon. _________________________________ The universe outside of our little solar system abounds with mysteries and discoveries which stretch the mind's ability to comprehend. _________________________________ The advances made during the war in electronics, radar, radio and all branches of technology had a vast impact on the resumption of scientific research in 1945. Many researchers had received new insights, formed new associations, or uncovered entirely new areas in which to do research. Sophisticated war surplus equipment was easy to come by and the armed services were quite willing to cooperate with the scientists who had been so much help during the war. Technology had been given its biggest push; it was not about to slow down. Radio astronomical research blossomed in England and Australia and slowly spread to other countries. Jodrell Bank in England began with war surplus radar equipment. Research in Australia was the direct outgrowth of a group formed during the war. The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory initiated research in short wavelength radio astronomy, completing in 1950 the first large radio telescope designed specifically to operate at centimeter wavelengths. By the end of the 1940s most countries had established radio astronomy research groups. In the early 1950s several vital discoveries, such as detection of the 21 cm hydrogen line, laid a firm foundation for the expansion in research which turned into a boom with the coming of the space age. There are now at least as many major radio astronomical observatories as there are optical observatories. Computer techniques in pattern recognition and information theory have been of great help in radio astronomy and have made possible some of the newer synthesized radio telescope arrays. Discoveries In Radio Astronomy A radio telescope differs from an optical telescope in the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum to which it is sensitive (see figure). Optical telescopes are used around the narrow band of frequencies to which the human eye is sensitive. Radio telescopes, however, are sensitive to a much broader range of frequencies. A radio telescope can be used day or night and is not bothered by an overcast sky or smog. Radio telescopes can also see into parts of the Universe which are blocked to optical telescopes by interstellar dust clouds. Some radio telescopes, such as the one at Arecibo, are also powerful radar transmitters and can bounce radio waves off satellites, asteroids, nearby planets, the Sun and particles in the Earth's atmosphere. To a radio telescope, the sky looks totally different than it does to the human eye on a dark night. The visual brightness of a star in the night sky has little to do with its radio brightness. Familiar stars no longer look the same. The constellations are gone. The planets, themselves not strong emitters of radio waves, are almost invisible. The Milky Way is much brighter at radio frequencies and there are a multitude of new objects to be observed in the sky. But cosmic radio sources are still very faint. It is said that celestial radio signals reaching Earth are so faint that all the energy collected in the forty-year history of radio astronomy is about equal to that released when a few snowflakes fall on the ground. Since it began operation, the Arecibo Observatory has yielded an astonishing amount of information about our solar system, our planet and our universe. The Arecibo telescope has heard more that 3,000 separate radio sources, only about 100 of which have been identified optically. Many of them will never be optically identified from Earth; they are simply too weak in the optical portion of the spectrum. Some of the radio waves received at Arecibo have been travelling nearly ten billion years on their way from the edge of space to Earth. Radio maps of the Moon produced before the lunar landing missions predicted that the Moon's surface would be covered with a thick layer of dust. The close similarity between radar and optical maps of the Moon indicate that radio reflectivity and light reflectivity are probably close enough to allow accurate mapping of the planets. Extensive mapping of the surfaces of Venus, Mercury and [Image]