numbers. Since the terminals went in, stolen car recoveries have climbed 60%! The Palm Beach system uses solid-state plasma display and keyboard terminals that are located in each patrol car, hooked up to a 28K, 1.2 million bit PDP-11 controller in the main communications center. The inquiry/response mode is activated by the patrolman pressing special keys which are coded for particular messages. Requested information on, for example, whether a car is ”hot" or not, who is the registered owner, and is the person wanted, is received back on the display in six to eight seconds. This response time compares with voice transmission (such as "Harry, could you query the computer regarding a John Jackson?") turnaround time of 90 seconds. Besides the obvious advantage in rapid apprehension of criminal suspects, this reduction of time delays is also saving officers' lives. When the information turns out to be a "hit" (car or person wanted), an alarm is rung from the communications center. The dispatcher then reports the location of that patrolman on the displays of all cars in the field; the investigating officers also knows to use caution in the apprehension. Another safety device is the emergency key. When an officer stops a car, he first enters the time and location on the terminal. If, at the end of three minutes, he has not reported back to the control center via the terminal, an emergency signal sounds in the center, and the location of the officer, who presumably needs help, is flashed onto all other terminals in the field. Depending on the circumstances, the officer in the field can get a great deal of information concerning a vehicle or a person under suspicion. One interesting case occurred when the computer was first installed in Palm Beach. Someone standing outside a closed gas station at 2 a.m. looked suspicious to the road patrolman. So the patrolman stopped and asked ”What are you doing here?" and the man replied "Just waiting for my buddy, just going to go fishing." The patrolman got his identification and entered it in the terminal in the car, and it came back that the guy was not wanted. So the patrolman queried the terminal if the fellow had an arrest record. It came back that the guy was a specialist in breaking into gas stations. So the patrolman went back to the man and asked, "Have you ever been arrested?" The man replied, "No, I have never been in no trouble, I'm just going fishing." The the patrolman brought the guy over to the car and said, "Do you see that screen?" And the guy said, "Oh, s---." Needless to say, he had already been in the gas station and was on his way out when he got caught. He just copped out right there, and that was the end of the ball game! References: The Wall Street Journal, Monday, March 18, 1974 "Modern Detection - Police Weapons Range From Electronic Cops To Glowing Bacteria" Datamation, September 1973, pp. 88-90 "Law Enforcement Communications Conference" by Wendy Reid. IN THE 1960'S THE U.S. ARMY EMPLOYED OVER 1,500 PLAINCLOTHESMEN WHO WERE REPORTING ON INDIVIDUALS TO ITS MANY DATA BANKS Is Big Brother Watching You? The NATIONAL CRIME INFORMATION CENTER (NCIC) may have information about you. To find out what the FBI knows about you, send $5 and a set of rolled-ink fingerprints (which you can get from your local police station) taken on a fingerprint card, and containing your name and birth date, to: FBI, Identification Division, Washington D.C. 20537. Inaccurate data on your record can be corrected by contacting the agency that originally provided the information to the FBI. 85