Crime, Cops, Computers by W. David Malcolm Jr. Action, Mass. A car had been burglarized. The detectives didn't have much to go on -- only that three men had been seen leaving the scene in an "old tan-and-white station wagon." No make, model, year, or license number. It was clearly a case for PATRIC, the new detective's helper at the Los Angeles police department. PATRIC (for "Pattern Recognition and Information Correlations") is a computer system that does the same kinds of things that a detective does, but does them much faster. PATRIC is crammed full of criminal records, crime reports, information on stolen vehicles, even the favorite methods of known criminals. By instantly cross-checking bits of information fed into it PATRIC can quickly build up more and more information, and eventually come up with likely human suspects. In this particular case, PATRIC searched its files, and found another car crime in a different part of the city, also involving men fleeing in a tan-and-white vehicle -- but this time someone had remembered part of the license number and reported it. Using this partial number, PATRIC found the names of the five men who had been stopped for questioning in similar cars. The computer then searched another file on past arrests, and found that three of the five men had previously had been arrested for theft and from an auto! PATRIC turned over the names to the human detectives, who promptly investigated and then arrested the trio for the latest burglary. PATRIC took 15 minutes to produce the suspects; a detective would probably have decided the case was not worth spending hours or days sifting through all that information, with the likelihood that suspects couldn't be found anyway. Even when there is more information available, the computer can save hours of detective work. Until recently, the men in blue couldn't afford much new equipment. But now they're getting funds from the federal government's Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA), a branch of the Justice Department. LEAA is pumping about $800 million a year into the various states, much of it going to their police organizations for equipment like PATRIC. These systems are perhaps the most significant elements of technology aiding police today. One of their biggest contributions has been a vast improvement in communications, which has always been a major problem. In a noncomputerized police department, the dispatcher at the station house is flooded with radio calls from the cruisers, crime reports coming in by telephone, and other messages. During peak crime hours the dispatchers are frequently overwhelmed; sometimes police radio channels get so clogged that the policemen can't get through to the dispatcher half the time. Now many police forces are installing computer terminals in patrol cars. Connected by their own radio frequencies to central computers, the terminals allow patrolmen to bypass the overworked dispatcher when they want certain kinds of information, like license numbers on hot cars and rap sheets on suspects picked up in the field. A cop in the cruiser queries the computer using a keyboard on the terminal, and gets an answer in seconds. In one case, two patrol cars carrying test terminals for a month recently made seven times as many "hits" on hot cars as they did without them. This was because they were able to make many more inquiries through the computer than any human dispatcher could handle. Checking Everything in Sight The sheriff's department in Palm Beach, Florida has been using in-car terminals for almost a year, and patrolmen are having a field day catching car thieves. They just keep poking thousands of license numbers on everything in sight into their computer system to see if the vehicles have been reported stolen. When it's quiet, they go through motel and other parking lots looking for