Another new game from Creative Computing… [image] HUNT THE WUMPUS By GREGORY YOB The Genesis of Wumpus Two years ago I happened by People's Computer Company (PCC) and saw some of their computer games such as Hurkle, Snark, and Mugwump. My reaction was: "EECH!!" Each of these games was based on a 10 x 10 grid in Cartesian co-ordinates and three of them was too much for me. I started to think along the lines of: "There has to be a hide and seek computer game without that (exp. deleted) grid!!" In fact, why not a topological computer game - Imagine a set of points connected in some way and the player moves about the set via the interconnections. That afternoon in meditation the phrase "Hunt the Wumpus" arrived, and Wumpus was born. He's still a bit vague in physical detail as most dedicated Wumpus hunters know, but appearances are part of the game. (If you like, send me a picture of your version of a Wumpus. Perhaps friendly Dave, our editor, will publish the best one in Creative Computing.) The grid I chose was the vertices of a dodecahedron - simply because it's my favorite Platonic solid and once, ages ago, I made a kite shaped like one. The edges became the connecting tunnels between the caves which were the set of points for the game. My basic idea at this time was for the player to approach the Wumpus, back off, and come up to him by going around the dodecahedron. To my knowledge, this has never happened... most players adopt other strategies rather than this cold-blooded approach. Anyway... how to get the Wumpus! How about an arrow which could turn corners as it goes from room to room. Let the hunter tell the arrow where to go and let it fly. The shortest round trip without reversals is 5 caves and thus the Crooked Arrow. Hmmm… How does one sense the Wumpus? It's dark in yonder cave, and light would wake him up. If one got one cave away, the Wumpus's distinct smell would serve as a warning. So far, so good… but Wumpus is still too easy, so let's find some appropriate hazards for the caves. Bottomless pits were easy. Any imaginary cave would have a few of those around the place. Superbats were harder to come by. It took me a day or two to get that idea. The Superbats are a sort of rapid transit system gone a little batty (sorry about that one). They take you a random distance to a random cave and leave you there. If that's a pit or a Wumpus, well, you are in Fate's hands. Around this time, I saw that Map-making would be a regular activity of Wumpus-hunters. I numbered the caves and made the scheme fixed in the hopes a practised player might notice this and make himself a permanent map of the caverns. (Another unrealised hope - as an exercise, make yourself such a map on a Squashed Dodecahedron). [image] A Squashed Dodecahedron To start the game fairly, Wumpus, Hazards, and Hunter are located on different points at the start of the game. Each game starts with random choices of location, but the hunter may restart with the same set-up if he chooses. This allows re-plays if the hunter, say, fell into a pit on the first move. Wumpus was nearly done in my mind... ( hint to a games-writer: Have a clear notion of your game before you