1 RAMTOP=106:REM OS top of RAM pointer›2 PMBASE=54279:REM ANTIC player-missile RAM pointer›3 SDMCTL=559:REM Shadow of DMACTL›4 GRACTL=53277:REM CTIA graphics control register›5 HPOSP0=53248:REM Horizontal position register of P0›6 PCOLR0=704:REM Shadow of player 0 color register›7 SIZEP0=53256:REM Player width control register›8 GPRIOR=623:REM Priority control register›10 GRAPHICS 7›20 SETCOLOR 4,8,4›30 SETCOLOR 2,0,0›40 COLOR 3›50 FOR Y=0 TO 79:REM This loop fills the screen›60 PLOT 0,Y›70 DRAWTO 159,Y›80 NEXT Y›90 A=PEEK(RAMTOP)-20:REM Must back up further for GR. 7›100 POKE PMBASE,A›110 MYPMBASE=256*A›120 POKE SDMCTL,46›130 POKE GRACTL,3›140 POKE HPOSP0,100›150 FOR I=MYPMBASE+512 TO MYPMBASE+640›160 POKE I,255:REM Make player solid color›170 NEXT I›180 POKE PCOLR0,88›190 POKE SIZEP0,3:REM Set player to quadruple width›200 POKE GPRIOR,4:REM Set priority›210 COLOR 4›220 FOR Y=30 TO 40›230 PLOT Y+22,Y›240 DRAWTO Y+43,Y›250 NEXT Y›