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Do you want to help make and our sister site, Classic Computer Magazine Archive, the ultimate repositories of information about and software for vintage computers? There are many ways you can contribute.

Got Time? If you have some time to help: we always need people for many tasks, including scanning, OCRing, proofreading, and indexing. Send us e-mail.

Got Books or Other Material? If your attic is filled with old computer magazines, books, or software, send them to us. We'll do our best to acquire permission to share the material, then we'll put it online. Send us e-mail.

Got Rights? If you or your company owns the rights to any classic computing-related magazines, books, software, articles, or other information, and want to make that information available, send us e-mail describing the material.

We've been doing this since 1996, and have only been successful thanks to help of all kinds from classic computing enthusiasts around the world.

Kevin Savetz
founder and curator of

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