Survey of Public Attitudes Toword Computers in Society by David H. Ahl SUMMARY Computers are not only invading our lives along a multitude of directions - supermarkets, credit dada, medical records, hobbies, etc. - but our society is becoming so dependent upon computers that it can truly be said that we live in the computer age. The computer will have at least as profound an effect on humankind as did the printing press some 500 years ago. In the Gutenberg Museum, a map plots the spread of printing out from Mainz to the rest of the world over scores of years. The computer invasion has taken place at an infinitely greater speed. Now, some 30 years after its invention, what do people think of the computer? Monster or savior? Slave or dictator? Do people understand this awesome force? This survey indicates that most people are remarkably optimistic about the benefits the computer can bring to society in a number of areas - for example, education, law enforcement, and health care. People feel they are unable to escape the influence of the computer and that it has some undesirable effects; however, they do not feel particularly threatened by it. Young people tend to be less optimistic and feel more threatened by the computer than do adults. A surprising two-thirds of the population have a fair understanding of both the role and function of the computer although there are a few popular misconceptions. Compared to the 1971 AFIPS/Time survey, people have become more optimistic about the use of computers in most areas with the notable exception of credit data banks. Also, this Creative Computing survey identified the computer influence on elections as a real danger area - to our knowledge this has not been previously surveyed. METHODOLOGY During the 6-month period, February through July 1975, Creative Computing Magazine conducted a survey on people's attitudes toward computers and their role in society. Some 843 people responded in two highly computerized nations, the United States and Germany. About one-third of the respondents were educated or experienced in computer usage; two-thirds were not. Thirty-six percent of the respondents were classified as young people (20 and under) and students; the remainder were a relatively balanced cross-section of adults. The 17 questions in the survey fell in four major categories (although they appeared in random order on the survey instrument). The categories: 1. Computer Impact on the Quality of Life (4Q) 2. Computer Threat to Society (4Q) 3. Understanding of the Role of Computers (5Q) 4. Understanding of the Computer Itself (4Q) In some cases where the questions were similarly worded, the responses to this questionnaire are compared to those from a 1971 survey jointly sponsored by AFIPS (American Federation of information Processing Societies) and Time Magazine. COMPUTER IMPACT ON THE QUALITY OF LIFE On the whole, respondents felt that the computer will improve the quality of life in four areas: education, law enforcement, health care, and prevention of fraud. Young people and students saw somewhat less improvement from the use of computers than did adults. Computers will improve education. About 85% of all the respondents strongly or mostly agreed with that statement and only 5% disagreed. This was the highest positive (or negative) response to any single question and also the question which had the greatest agreement between adult and youth. Computers will improve law enforcement. 82% of the adults agreed with this and only 3% disagreed. The younger respondents were somewhat more cynical; 70% agreed and 10% disagreed. ComputerS will improve health care. On this issue, the young respondents had considerably more doubts than adults; about 79% of the adults agreed but only 54% of the youth, More than twice as many youth disagreed with the statement as adults - 12% vs. 5%. Ranking lower on desirable uses of the computer is its use for storing and checking credit rating data; 64% of both adult and youthful respondents saw this as a worthwhile application. However, 13% of the adults thought this was a bad application for the computer, perhaps reflecting previous hassles that they or friends had with computerized credit rating data. Most young people probably haven't been exposed to this malady; only 8% of them objected to this application. While substantial, the 64% of the people in favor of this application represents a substantial decline from the 75% recorded just four years ago in the AFIPS/Time survey. 77