The Best of Creative Computing Volume 1 (published 1976)

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Learning about Smalltalk

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	By now school had just gotten out and we had stopped
taking our Smalltalk classes for the time being. At the
beginning of July a class was organized for Barron Park kids
and I came up too, to help tutor. These kids started at
about the same place I had but since they're not too
important for the moment l'|I go on about me. I started
working very hard on stickfigures and finally came up with
something that looked like this.

	The headless horseman, eh?! Well, I decided that a
stickfigure without a head would never do. So I gave it a

	Now, what's so great about a stickfigure if it won't do
something for you? I taught my stickfigures how to play

	Then, I decided that what I really needed were some
can-can dancers.

After that I worked the original dance routine in so one
figure danced a solo!

	At about this time I noticed that out of all the kids from
Barron Park (about twenty) only two or three were girls.

Horror of Horrors!! So I decided that when school came
around I would teach a computer class for girls only!

	When school started that's exactly what I set about to
do. Unfortunately the woman I arranged it with convinced
me that there should be boys in my class. I ended up with
three girls and two boys.

	I started them off with boxes. Then they, lust as I had,
went on to do their own programs. Lisa started off with a
guessing game,

Kathy did some rocketships and oddshapes,

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