Genisis Release 2.5 By Michael L. Coleman with illustrations by Stew Burgess IN THE BEGINNING the Project Manager created the Programming Staff. The Programming Staff was without form and structure. And the Project Manager said, 'Let there be Organization;" and there was Organization. And the Project Manager saw that Organization was good; and the Project Manager separated the workers from the supervisors, and he called the supervisors-"Management," and he called the workers-"Exempt." And the Project Man Organization, and let it separate the workers, one from another." And the Project Manager created the mission and he called it-"The System." And the Project Manager separated those who were to benefit from The System from those who were to build it. And he called the former-"Users," and he called the latter-"Programmers." And the Project Manager said, "Let all the Programmers in the Organization be gathered together into one place, and let a Chief Programmer be brought up to lead them." And it was so. And the Project Manager saw that he was competent. And the Project Manager said unto the Chief Programmer, "Create for mea schedule, so that I may look upon the schedule and know the Due Date." And the Chief Programmer went among his staff and consulted with them. And the staff was divided into two parts, one part was called-"Ana [image] SCHEDULE DESIGN TEST DITCH DESIGN TEST? ? = HARTREE's CONSTANT REQUIREMENTS DEFERRED Reprinted with permission from Datamation, November 1973. Copyright 1973 Technical Publishing Co., Greenwich, CT 06830. [image] PLUS CA CHANGE PLUS CA LA MEMECHOSE CHIEF PROGRAMMER CHANGE REQUEST