The Best of Creative Computing Volume 1 (published 1976)

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Daddy and His Computer (Story by Heather Lynne McWilliams, from May 1973 Datamation)

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Daddy and his Computer
by Heather Lynne McWilliams

One sunday morning when everybody except grandmother was dressed ready to go to
church and jist then the phone rang daddy had to go to work. So mommy, Alex and
I went to church. A few minutes later daddy was back home because he forgot his
briefcase and daddy was back at work a few minutes later. Mommy, Alex and I came
home early because Alex threw-up. And when we got back, daddy called he said, "I
am comeing home." And when he came home there was a computer chasing his car, he
stoped the car and got out and went in the house and yelled lock the doors shut
the window a run away computer he yelled over and over, The news speded fast and
soon to the police, the police caught the computer and smashed it with a hammer.
And daddy quit his job and got another job. But I think that is another story.


Heather Lynne Mcwilliams turned in an unusually complete resume after her story
was accepted. She is eight years old, four feet tall, weighs 48 pounds, is in
excellent health, and is single. She lives in Kailua, Hawaii. Experience:
reading books and magzines, such as School Bulletin, Jack and Jill, National
Geographic, and Weekly Reader; creative writing since first grade, plus many
stories written at home, including "The Haunted House" and "The Singing Gun."
Education: preschool at Carey's School; first through third grades at Kailua
Elementary School. Outside interests: Swimming, climbing trees, learning to sew,
member of church Choir, playing the piano, hiking, camping, art and dolls. Early
background: born at Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colo.; lived in
Colorado Springs, Montgomery, Ala., and Washington, D.C. Father's job: director
of technical services and internal controls for Computing Management Inc.

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