Apr.17,1991 Portfolio Support Team

From: Atari SIG (xx004@cleveland.Freenet.Edu)
Date: 05/26/91-11:55:44 AM Z

From: xx004@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Atari SIG)
Subject: Apr.17,1991 Portfolio Support Team
Date: Sun May 26 11:55:44 1991

On Wednesday, April 17, 1991, the Atari SIGOps announced the beginning of the
Free-Net Atari Support Teams by introducing the Portfolio Support Team:

Date: Wed Apr 17 16:00:05 1991

Atari Portfolio Users,

     The Cleveland Free-Net Atari SIG has just expanded as you can tell.
There is now more space specifically for the Portfolio Palmtop Computer.
However, there is also plenty of problems that need to be worked out
as well.


     The first problem is that none of the Atari SIGOps own a Portfolio
computer.  This is probably a good reason why there is little
support for the machine on the Atari SIG.

     The second problem is that we need to fill the space up that was set
aside for the Portfolio.  This is the section for the Portfolio now:

<<< Portfolio Info & Support >>>
        (go portfolio)

  1 About Portfolio Info & Support
  2 Portfolio Palmtop Description
  3 Published Articles (w/permission)
  4 Software/Hardware Summaries
  5 Software/Hardware Reviews
  6 Tips & Tricks for your Computer
h=Help, x=Exit Free-Net, "go help"=extended help

Your Choice ==>

     This section, as it is now, is completely useless to many of us.
The reason it is useless is because there is no information in it because no one is contributing to it.


     The solution to the second problem is for you to contribute information.
This is a lot easier said then done and that is why the Atari SIG would like
to establish a special team to do this very thing.  It would be called,

     Cleveland Free-Net
         Atari SIG
   Portfolio Support Team

     As a member, it will be your job to actively contribute to making this
section the best that it can be.  You will be taking responsibility
among other members of the group for its success or failure.

     There can be many benefits to being a member of the support team.
It may be very possible, if your team does a good job, for you being noted
for creating one of the best Portfolio Support areas in the nation.

     Your name will appear on a regularly posted list of members of
the Support Team.  You will work with the leader of the Support Team when
one is found.  There is many ways to get information, reviews, and
summaries related to the Portfolio and as soon as the team is created, we will

     The solution to the first problem of not having an Atari SIGOp with
a Portfolio is not a real problem as long as a leader shows up among the
Portfolio Support Team.

     The Cleveland Free-Net has a larger support area for the Portfolio
than many other computer systems.  It actually supports the computer you own.
It can be accessed from anywhere in the world and can grow tremendously.

     If you would like to join the Portfolio Support Team, contact
Len Stys (aa399) or the Atari SIG (xx004).  Please stress if you are
interested in becomming a member or leader of the team.

Thank you.


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