About Atari Library

Welcome to the Atari SIG's Library! The Atari Library is just like a real library because it holds similar information. The Atari Library has books on every topic (Miscellaneous Text Files), useful information from a very long time ago (Time Capsule), access to other electronic information (Internet Newsgroups (Usenet)), a periodical area (Online Magazines), a phone book directory (Who's Who in the Atari Community), and many other things! Are you interested in catching up on some reading at the old library? Good, then this place is for you! Here is a small overview of each section and its contents: 1. About Atari Library - What you are reading now. 2. Miscellaneous Text Files - A board that contains all of the text files that do not belong anywhere else on the SIG. 3. Time Capsule - A place where all past information from the Atari SIG is stored Welcome to the Atari SIG's Library! The Atari Library is just like a real library because it holds similar information. The Atari Library has books on every topic (Miscellaneous Text Files), useful information from a very long time ago (Time Capsule), access to other electronic information (Internet Newsgroups (Usenet)), a periodical area (Online Magazines), a phone book directory (Who's Who in the Atari Community), and many other things! Are you interested in catching up on some reading at the old library? Good, then this place is for you! Here is a small overview of each section and its contents: 1. About Atari Library - What you are reading now. 2. Miscellaneous Text Files - A board that contains all of the text files that do not belong anywhere else on the SIG. 3. Time Capsule - A place where all past information from the Atari SIG is stored such as past Atari News or Questions & Answers. You as a user, cannot or should not contribute to this section but only use it as a reference. 4. Internet Newsgroups (Usenet)... - Atari related bulletin boards that are used by Atari users from around the world. Also included is the Usenet Newsgroups rules text file. 5. Online Magazines... - This section contains many issues of Atari online magazines and newsletters. It is probably the BEST source for recent news on what is happening in the Atari community. The only way that the Atari SIG obtains these magazines are by users like you. There are many people that cannot afford to call pay services or long-distance for these magazines. Bruce D. Nelson has been contributing online magazines for the last couple of years. 6. Who's Who in the Atari Community - A list of users and their e-mail addresses that contribute to the Atari Community in some way on a continuous basis. This text file is maintained by the Cleveland Free-Net Atari SIG. 7. Other Free-Net Atari SIGs - There are other Free-Net Atari SIGs and this text file provides information on how to access them. 8. CAIN Newsletters - This board contains past CAIN Newsletters. If you missed an issue, don't worry, this is where you can find it. 9. Atari SIG Log - This log reports any major accomplishments that the Atari SIG has made over the years. These accomplishments are not made by one person alone, they are made by everyone that helps make the Atari SIG a success. Your Atari SIGOps, xx004
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