10 REM The actual subroutine is lines 100-120. You set the value of DL,SC,MODE,and WIDE.›20 DL=PEEK(88)+256*PEEK(89):MODE=2:WIDE=40›30 SC=0:MODE=2+2*(MODE=2):GOSUB 100›40 TRAP 30:ON PEEK(753)<>3 GOTO 40:SC=SC+460:SP=INT(SC/256):POKE DL5,SP:POKE DL4,SC-256*SP›50 FOR I=0 TO 30:NEXT I:GOTO 40›90 REM This ANTIC 2 and 4 display list can be page flipped from BASIC. POKE the screen address into DL4 and DL5.›100 FOR I=0 TO 2:POKE DL+I,112:NEXT I:DL4=DL+4:DL5=DL+5›110 POKE DL+3,64+MODE:POKE DL5,INT(SC/256):POKE DL4,SC-256*PEEK(DL5):FOR I=DL+6 TO DL+28:POKE I,MODE:NEXT I›120 POKE I,65:DLHI=INT(DL/256):DLLO=DL-DLHI*256:POKE I+1,DLLO:POKE I+2,DLHI:POKE 561,DLHI:POKE 560,DLLO:RETURN ›