
alternate shapes data 185
alternating color bands 204-207
animated games 98-107
animation 11,91,99,108,126,172-183,184-187
animation demo 143,152-153
ANTIC chip 110,166,208,209,211,213,217,219
ANTIC display modes 102
artifacting 206-207
ASCII 16,92,99,113
Atari BASIC Reference Manual 3,10,11,18,38,54,55,56,81,113,203,225,227, 228
Atari Hardware Manuel 192,193, 219,221
ATASCII 11,42,54,57,58,81,91,92,114,142-143
BASIC 3,18,25,26,33,62,64,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,91,98,99,108-109,118,132,184,185,195,209,212,216 (see also GRAPHICS commands)
BASIC A+ 133
Central Processing Unit (CPU) 129,222
character graphics 11,111,116
character registers 78
character set 77,82-83,85,121 relocating 78-82,85
character storage 79-82
character string 43,131
collision registers 188-191,195
    players with players 188-189, 191
    players with playfields 189, 191
color clock 209,210-211,213
color indirection 215-216,229, 230-231
color numbers (table) 14
Color Register Default values (table) 14
color registers 21,215-216
COLOR statement 9,20,21,93,109,129,130,189,190,216,227
colors, demo programs 228-235
control graphics 12
controls for P/M graphics 132-135
coordinates 8,10,13,99,100,114,165,169,173-174,176,177
Creative Computing 142
"crosshair" 197-199
CTIA chip 4,9,110,188,208-209,214,220-221,230
CTRL key 111,116,117,119,121
default color 7,194
delay loop 179
diagonal lines 206-207
digitized pictures 219-220
direct memory access (DMA) 166,168,192,209,210,211,212
display data 165,238
display image 174
display list 26,27-33,37-38,41,46, 80,82,91,131,212,213,236,238
display list interrupt 62,68,82,83,87
display memory 29,30,41
DOS 94
drawing storage 172-180
figure manipulation 18,19
function codes 47
    animated 98-107,108-126
    Asteroids 98
    "Island Jumper" 156-157,159-162
    Jawbreaker 195,221
    Pac-Man 3,195
    Pong-type games 20-22
    POOL 1.5 221
    "Space Rocks" 98,100-107
    Star Wars 111
    Star Raiders 3
GPRIOR 219,221,230
GRAPHICS characters 4,53,54
GRAPHICS commands 4,25,56,66,112,130
    DRAWTO 8,9,10,16,99,110,130
    LOCATE 10,11,12,21,99,100,111,227
    PLOT 8,9,10,16,99,110,130,131,227
    POSITION 10,11,12,44,110,111,227
    PRINT 10,11,39,44,110
    graphics modes 13,25-36,80,95,113,177,213,224,241
    GRAPHICS 0 4,5,6,11,15,31,38,44-45,46,56,59-60,88,130,137,167 (see also text mode)
    GRAPHICS 1 4,33,34,61,82,173,174,83,84,112,113,115,116,117,177,195
    GRAPHICS 2 4,6,10,39,42,61,82,113,195
    GRAPHICS 3 4,5,7,16,20,33,34,37-38,91,130
    GRAPHICS 4 6
    GRAPHICS 5 91,239
    GRAPHICS 6 6,7,8,9,15,92,94
    GRAPHICS 7 9,38,91,99,109-110,131,133,237,239
    GRAPHICS 8 5,6,46,93,112,131,167,203-207
    GRAPHICS 11 196,223,225,226,228
    GRAPHICS statements 225-228
graphics string 16-18
GTIA chip 4,9,110,188,193,196,208-235
hardware register (see PRIOR)
high resolution 203
horizontal blank 211
IF statements 65
image data 158
image memory 155
Instruction Register (IR) code 28,29
Internal Character Set 116
    table 120
interrupts 163-167 (see also vertical blanks)
inverse characters 77,78
LMS command 29,30,34
location argument 156
luminance 7,210,214,217,219,222,228
machine language routines 143,154,175,184,
    for animation 184-187
    for character storage 86
memory 6,133,213, (see also RAM)
    memory allocations 167-168,
    memory locations 42,55,78, 79,100,109,118,132,139,156, 221
    memory protection 236-238
missile registers 190
mixed modes (see text window)
mode lines 26-27,211-213
Moire patterns 207
multiple color player enable 193, 196-197
number of colors 5,6-7,25
Operating System 26,27,28,29, 30,32,55,192
overlaps 196-197,199 (see also collision registers)
overscan 27
page six 81,93,166,173
pages 78,155,176-177
paging 55,56
player drawings 172-179,181
player image 156
player memory 136
player motion 142-143
player storage 173-176,178
player/missile (P/M) graphics 110,129-139,140-153
P/M memory locations 139
players 137,180
playfield graphics 129,130,134, 211-213,216
    RAM positioning 138
playfield registers 220
PMBASE 138,167,174,176,180, 184,192
POKEs 31,132,175,185,189,193,196,228
Pong-type games 20-22
PRINT #6 19,44,45
PRIOR 218,222,230
priority registers 192-199
    fast graphics 122-125
    "Island Jumper" 159-162
    Mixing Modes 0 and 8 (demo) 48-49
    P/M Graphics Utility 144-151
    Screen Save Routine 242-244
    "Space Rocks" 102-107
    TextPlot 95-97
pseudo-random number function 169
RAMTOP 55,78,167,236-237
Random Access Memory (RAM) 6,78,131,134,135,167,184,185,192
raster scan 211
redefining character sets 53-61, 62,77,82
registers 7,132,188-191
    character registers 78
    collision registers 188-191,195
    color registers 21,215-216
    hardware register 218,222,230
    Instruction Register 28,29
    missile registers 190
    playfield registers 220
    priority registers 192-199
    "shadow" register 77,78,83,190,222
resolution 5,25,138,203,219,238
    horizontal 5,210,217
    single line 167
    vertical 5-6,210,213
ROM 42,55,57,61,65,77,78,80,192
scan lines 26,29,210,213,217
screen limits 121
screen memory 38,93,113,203-207
screen save utility 239-244
scrolling 33,44
SETCOLOR statements 7,9,20, 21,65,129,130,131,169,216-228
"shadow" register 77,78,83,190, 222
string graphics 16
string manipulations 142
SuperFont 62-76
    commands 63-65
text editor memory 38,39
text modes 4,46,77,88,91,92-94,195,212,217,225-226
text window 5,6,26,33,38-39,44-45,46,83,88,177,193, 221-222,225-226
user memory 55
USR function 46,81,99,143,154, 155,165,173,184
variables 31,91,102,111,117,118, 142,143
    DL 31
    SCREEN 111
    for "Space Rocks" 102
vertical blank interrupt 164-167, 173-179,192
vertical blank P/M routine 183
vertical blank time 165
vertical blanks 77,83,172
vertical movement 164,166
vertical positioning 154-163,164-167
    assembly language representation 163

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