The Best of Creative Computing Volume 1 (published 1976)

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Compleat Computer Catalogue (Magazines, Journals, Newsletters)

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An excellent, colorful, contemporary magazine for elementary and middle school
teachers. The focus of the March 1975 issue is on math – teaching strategies,
new methods and materials, activities for hand-held calculators, opinion, etc.
Single copy $1.50.

Education Today Co., 530 University Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94301.

This bi-weekly tabloid newspaper reports on developments in minicomputer
hardware, software, and applications. A recent issue covered a real potpourri of
topics - Decnet, timesharing user group news, oceanographic research with minis,
and Centronics re-entry into the electronic games field. $6.00 per year, sample
issue free.

Benwill Publishing Co., 167 Corey Road, Brookline, MA 02146.

The National Computer Program Abstract Service is a clearinghouse for computer
program abstracts – simulation models, application programs, MIS, etc. - from
business, government, military, and universities. As of Spring 1975, 17,000
abstracts were indexed in 167 specific subjects. A quarterly Program Index
Newsletter is published for $10.00 per year. Sample copy free.

NCPAS, P.O. Box 3783, Washington, DC 20007.


The only monthly magazine devoted to nothing but games and puzzles. Word games,
crosswords (watch out for British spelling), number games, Go, Backgammon,
Chess, Scrabble, various card games, mazes, reader puzzles and games,
competitions. Lively and fun. $10.80 per year to U. S., sample copy $1.10.

Games & Puzzles, 11 Tottenham Court Road, London WIA 4xF, England.

A bi-monthly journal of forecasts, trends, and ideas about the future. The
magazine presents an objective, reasoned approach to future study and does not
advocate particular ideologies. Recent issues have examined teaching and
education in the future, behavior control, work and leisure, and world planning.
$l2.00 per year, sample copy $2.00.

World Future Society, P.O. Box 30369, Washington, DC 20014.


Teacher, one of the two big "establishment" elementary school
magazines(Instructor is the other) often has games and activities useful for
introducing young kids to concepts in math, statistics, and computers.
"Clothespin Probability," "What Comes Next?" (Jan 1975) and "A Game for all
Reasons" (April 1975) are three such games. Watch the column, "Creative
Classroom" for the best ideas. Subscription $10/year; sample copy $1.25.

Teacher, P.O. Box 800, Cos Cob, CT 06807.

S/G/N is now in a 32-page 8½ x 11 newsprint format which seems to have improved
its very professional and comprehensive coverage of the world of simulations and
serious games. It frequently carries a page or two of computer gaming news, has
excellent game reviews and an annotated bibliography which appear every issue,
as well as news, views, and articles about gaming and education. Bi-monthly,
$6.00/year; sample copy $1.00.

Simulation/Gaming/News, Box 3039, University Station, Moscow, ID 83843.

A new quarterly journal covering theoretical automata, semantics of programming
languages, the study of algorithms and their complexity, and the nature of
computation. Mathematical and abstract in spirit but motivated by problems of
practical computation. $43.95 per year, sample copy free.

North-Holland Publishing Co., c/o American Elsevier Publishing Co., 52
Vanderbilt Ave., New York, NY 10017.

An outstanding 8-times a year newsletter produced for users of Hewlett Packard
computers in education. Naturally it is oriented to software which runs on HP
machines, mostly BASIC. A portion of each issue is generally devoted to user
application (success) stories. About 40% or 50% of each issue presents
instructional applications and activities, sometimes on one special focus topic,
sometimes on many. Shorter sections include book reviews (genuine reviews, not
publisher press releases), letters, announcements, and a calendar of events.
Free to HP users. $6 per year to others.

HP Educational Users Group, 11000 Wolfe Road, Cupertino, CA 95014.

This is the official publication for the 1,300 member Special Interest Group on
Computer Uses in Education (SIGCUE) of the Association for Computing Machinery
(ACM). An excellent source of information on using computers in college
instruction. Contains brief technical articles, interviews, conference reports,
book reviews, and calendar of events. Four issues per year. $6/year ($4 for ACM

Assn. for Computing Machinery, 1133 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036.


IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol. E-18, No, 1 (Feb 1975) is a special issue
on women in engineering. The 14 papers in the issue discuss the growth of women
in engineering programs, opportunities in various types of engineering, minority
programs, and starting early with orientation in junior high school. Some of the
papers are real eye openers to our changing world. Single copy $2.50.

Thelma Estrin (IEEE Committee on Professional Opportunities for Women), Brain
Research Institute, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024.

a pocket calculator? And much, much more? I didn't until I saw 65 NOTES, an
absolutely fascinating publication of the HP-65 (and 55) Calculator Users Club.
Packed with useful information to HP-65 owners - routines, beginners corner, how
to handle alphabetics(!), tips, and games. The March 1975 issue is a double
issue (45 pages) entirely devoted to games. Monthly, $10 per year, $1.00 sample
copy, $2.00 March games issue.

Richard J. Nelson, HP-65 Users Club, 2541 W. Camden Place, Santa Ana, CA 92704.

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